6 Smart Wealth Decisions That Tina Turner Made

While Tina Turner is most known for her exceptional music career, she has also demonstrated valuable financial lessons throughout her life journey. These are just a few money decisions that she made based on the events of her life.  Resilience in the Face of...

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Traveling Abroad for Less than the Cost of Summer Camp

Traveling Abroad for Less than the Cost of Summer Camp

Last summer I did something I have never done before, I took the summer off with my kids. A back packer in my previous life (e.g. pre-kids and pre-career) I traveled solo through SE Asia. While, my days of hostels and packed buses are long behind me, this summer taught me an amazing lesson. Traveling solo with kids is not only possible for parents but the rewards are many! The best part—if you travel to places where the cost of living is low and you play the airline card game, you can do so for less than the cost of many kid’s summer camps.

Invest In Your Why

Invest In Your Why

When it comes to investing, there are quite a few things you have to consider. How much money can you afford to invest, do you want to invest one time, weekly, monthly? Should you buy stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETF’s? Do you need a financial advisor or can you do it yourself?

How to Successfully Retire Early, Travel The World and Live Abroad – Rachel Hill

How to Successfully Retire Early, Travel The World and Live Abroad – Rachel Hill

To retire early, travel the world, live abroad and keep a business is not what most of us were told to do. We were told to go to school, get a job, work for the next 34 years and then retire. Rachel Hill, on the other hand, retired from the corporate world at the age of 27 and travel the world.

Tune in to this episode and be inspired as Rachel Hill, a travel influencer and digital marketing strategist shares her experience on how she retired at the age of 27 and financially prepared herself to live abroad.

Sleep for Success

Sleep for Success

It is common knowledge that adults are recommended to get eight hours of sleep each night, but that time is more of a goal than a reality for most working adults. However, when you don’t get enough sleep, your body and mind both become exhausted and your work is...



What do you think about when you hear #MyModernWealth? Do you think about money, experiences, things or does something else come to mind? In this podcast, I delve into what wealth really means to you and provide 4 ways you can start or excel your #MyModernWealth...


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